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15.07 - 16.07 / RHYTHMS OF LIVING
Walk-in-Opera. A performatic walk through the Weitlingkiez's architecture in Lichtenberg, Berlin. Created by music composer Felipe Vaz, visual artist Laure Catugier and dance artists Anne Katrin Kiesel and Nicole Michalla.
04.06 - 09.06 / THE L:STEN:NG ACADEMY
Organized by Brandon LaBelle, Thiago Granato, Miriam Jakob and Nicole Michalla
Ballhaus Ost, Berlin
01.01 - 06.01 / NEEDED BREAK
SILENCE. Choreographic LAB
Facilitated in Ufer Studios and Studio 2, Berlin.
Udk Summer University Berlin. KlangKunstBühne
"A sound mind in a sound body" by Yara Mekawei.
"MY DOCUMENTS" by Lola Arias.
May / Foreign_Body Trio / Film
By Howool Baek. Berlin.
14.05 / THIS IS HOME
By Florine Leoni. Das Tanzfest Basel.
Workshop by the side of composer and multi-instrumentalist Otacílio Melgaço at Pas de Quatre Centro de Dança, Minas Gerias, Brazil.
12.12 / FURIOUS SPHINX - of a still dance(r)
ebook released by Mel-em-Branca Pub Co. An essay on composer Otacílio Melgaço´s work and its entanglement with dance.
Available to download here.
27.10 + 09.11 / Are you ok?
By Howool Baek . Research residency. Bora Bora Residency Center
25.09 / THIS IS HOME Premier
By Florine Leoni . Biennale di Venezia. Screening and artist talk
10.09 + 15.09 / Between
By Howool Baek . Web performance
01.09 + 02.09 / Foreign body_Trio
By Howool Baek . Unidram Festival Potsdam
19.07 + 23.07 / The Listening Biennial Berlin
Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, Brandon LaBelle & Carla J. Maier
12.06 / Foreign body_Trio
By Howool Baek. Soundance Festival Berlin
10.05 - 16.05 / Tanz meets...
Artistic residency with sound artist Mikel R. Nieto. Tanz-Station Wuppertal
01.01 - 31.07 / Dis-Tanz Solo
Research process on human perception. Facilitated by Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V.
01.10 - 31.12 / Dis-Tanz Solo
Research process on human perception. Facilitated by Dachverband Tanz Deutschland e.V.
Foreign body_Trio
By Howool Baek. Unidram Festival Potsdam. Cancelled
Foreign body_Trio
By Howool Baek. Internationale tanzmesse nrw Düsseldorf. Cancelled
By Florine Leoni. Video material. Performance TBD
Foreign body_Trio
By Howool Baek. International Modern Dance Festival, Seoul. Cancelled
In dialog with myself
Artist in residence. Nah Dran extended. Ada Studios Berlin
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